• You Gotta Have Connections!

    In my last blog entry, I lamented that my efforts just weren’t going my way on a number of fronts. Among the numerous things wrong in my world at the time was some outright strange behavior in our home computer network system. At first, computer and network performance started to slow down but rapidly came to a screeching halt. Not only was internet access impacted, but connecting to our file server (which sits literally three feet from me) began to run extremely slow. It made doing the simp…

  • Them's the Brakes! (Updated)

    We've all been there and I know I'm whining a bit but...sometimes it seems that the stars aren't in alignment and almost everything you touch either breaks or is already broken. This has been my world for the last two weeks and I don't mind saying I'm ready for a change. Two weeks ago, our home computer network switch quit, disrupting Internet access, email and general computer operations around here. It took a while to figure this out because all of the little blinky lights on the front of th…

  • We're Havin' a Heat Wave

    Note: The picture above shows a modification to an engine fan clutch as described by Lust4speed , a member of the Performance Years (Ames Performance Engineering sponsored) Pontiac forum. The picture is his work. Recently, we experienced an excessive heat wave for an extended period. 90° to 100°F.+ for more than a week straight and high humidity to go with it. 6AM air temps were as high as 80°F. As you can imagine, with air temps that high, the pavement temps out on the street were ridiculo…

  • 2024 - A Father's Day to Remember

    Well, I made it to the Father's Day car show at Nay Aug Park in Scranton, Pennsylvania. This is the show I missed last year due to the issues I was having with Holley tech support. I almost didn't make it this year because the AC compressor failed about two weeks prior to the show. Luckily, I got everything back together and working just in time. The weather was perfect and the people couldn't have been nicer. I had a prepaid display space this year. It let me cut to the fast lane to be par…

  • Losing My Cool...

    OK, right when I didn’t think anything else could go wrong this spring, the front oil seal on the GTOs air conditioning compressor decided to give up. The result being oil and fan belt debris flung all over the inner fender and underside of the hood which, in turn, ruined the under-hood insulation installed by the previous owner. I recalled recently thinking “Gee, there’s not a system on this car that I haven’t touched.” Then BAM! Something else to fix. Joy. The previous owner told me that…

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